Herbal, self care

Two favorite food beauty treatments

Hippocrates said my favorite thing about food, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be they food”. He was right, if we are eating right and in a healthy way one will feel better. Heck if your feeling better your going to look better. But I’d like to say food can be thy beauty treatment as well. It’s safe, simple and no more then a few simple ingredients from your kitchen.

My favorite food to use as a beauty treatment is honey. Now before I move on I want to say honey is great for burns and cuts. I once grabbed hold of a cast iron skillet that had been in the oven that I had set on the stove and forgot to get an oven mit or think the handle would still be roasting hot and burned my hand really good. I reached right over for the honey and slathered it on and let it sit on the burn and finished dinner. Whipped a bit of it off to eat and then later put a tad more on. The next morning I really expected to see a raw red mark that the hot handle would have left. Nothing. Just a slight difference in my skin. It never peeled or swelled up. Honey has natural antibacterial properties plus vitamins and minerals so it works great to help heal the skin.

I have to share that the stuff you get in your local grocery store in the cute little bear or honey hive is not the kind you want to use for eating or beauty treatments. That stuff is full of added sugars and other things and when it is being processed it is stripped of all the good things that make honey the food of the gods. So buy from a local apiary.

Honey seems to moisturize my dry winter skin and soothes it in the heat of summer. It also gives it is a nice glow. I also use honey for pimples and acne. I have a couple of teenagers and one who gets a break out now and then and he was shocked when I told him to rinse his face in warm water, slather some honey on the pimples and put a warm compress on it. Sit for a few mins and then rinse. He did this and later his pimples popped and his face cleared without the red irritation. It works good to loosen blackhead too.

I use straight honey as a wash on my face as well as I make a scrub several times a week. It leaves my skin incredibly soft. Nothing I have ever used compares. A honey scrub is easy to make. Here’s all you need.

You need about a tablespoon of honey and then maybe a 1/2 teaspoon of cornmeal.

Mix in a small bowl and then scrub into your face.

It exfoliates and nourishes the skin all at once. If you don’t have cornmeal you can use sugar in it’s place. I was told by my honey guy that women in Brazil use this trick.

In the winter I get one or two patches of dry skin. No lotion on the planet has helped and I make sure to keep hydrated and eat foods that don’t bother me (in my case cow dairy causes dry patches and pimples on my face). But they come back on super dry days. I’ve used the above honey scrub on those patches and the itching stopped and the skin felt and looked better in a few hours.

My second favorite tip is for soft lips. We all know someone who is hopelessly addicted to lip balm of some sort. They have them everywhere and never leave home without one in their pocket or purse and more in the car. The thing that drives me nuts is it’s these same people who always ask me as they are applying lip balm for the umpteenth time if I want to use some and shove a dirty looking tube of who knows what in my face. Um thanks for the sweet offer but no thanks.

Now I am not bashing chapstick or any other lip balm. I do have a couple myself that I use if I am not home and I have been say out all day and forgot to do the simple trick I am about to share with you. But I don’t go using it like crazy as it’s been proven and even shown in graphic detail on Dr.Oz’s show and many other articles that over use of lip balms can actually damage your lips and cause them to become even dryer. Not to mention, for me, I can’t stand the taste of the stuff. Only one I can stand to taste is made from beeswax and I only can get it once a year at a craft show in my town and that causes me to use it ever so gingerly.

So what do you use? Coconut oil.

Take a little bit and apply to your lips. The smell is heavenly if you like coconut and in the winter who doesn’t like the smell of something tropical? It wont feel like its really on there and it lasts nearly all day. Your lips will be oh so soft from using it. Use the oil in your Thai or Indian cooking for a great added flavor and you wont beat yourself up over the price.

So there you have it. Two simple beauty treatments straight from nature to your kitchen waiting to be use.

Till next time,


cooking with kids, family

Growing Foodie kids

Lately as I’ve been talking with people the topic always gets on food. When someone finds out I am the mom of 5 kids they often ask , “but wait your kids will eat that?”. Yes 99% of the time my children eat what I put out. Or I should say four out of 5 of my kids will eat what I cook. I’ve noticed as kids grow up and become adults things change and they do get some odd eating habits. It might be the large amount of processed foods they eat out with friends that are known to change taste buds. I also think it’s a right of passage of pulling away when you grow up. The way the family eats suddenly is a tool to rebel against in their teen years and early 20’s (so far), even if it was something they wanted to have or asked for. I think it’s an inner clock that says it’s time to move on and move out and find their own way of eating and living.

So, yes, when I post something up here, like my last post about having goat, my kids ate it. Actually they ate the leftovers for lunch the next day. My kids like Quinoa which to my shock I have found out lots of kids don’t like. Really? I know my youngest likes it better if I cook it in a vegetable or some other type of meat broth but that’s the only issue he has with it.

I am always more confused when I hear about a mom who is cooking several different meals for each of the her kids, then separate meals for her and her husband. I am awe of anyone who can be a short order cook like that. I admit it, I just can’t do it. Just like getting up in the cold of the night with babies wasn’t my cup of tea so it was easier to nurse as I knew I’d mess up mixing a bottle. It’s either I take shortcuts to make life easier on me and stay happy or I am lazy. You can decide. I cook one meal, we all eat it , mission accomplished. That seems like sanity making to me.

So how did I get my kids to eat what we eat? I might have to chalk that up to being sort of a shortcut as well mixed with being frugal. Jar baby food was to costly and the smell was enough to make me gag. Have you ever eaten it? The fruits are not to bad (to sweet for my tastes) but really it’s not that great. So I bought a very inexpensive food mill that I hear has been lovingly passed on to friends who passed it on as well. I would just cook dinner, say like carrots, before I seasoned them I would run them through the food mill. Whatever else we were having I would do the same and that’s what the kids ate. This way they were eating real food that we were eating. Not a sugared up version.

When the kids got older they had what we had. There really is no mystery to it. If your kids are not this way no worries. You can still try. Try out a new recipe each week or so. Leave out a some condiments on the table so your family can season the food to taste how they like it. Hot sauce is a big hit in our house for a new recipe, Soy Sauce or Tamari is another. This helps a new recipe be less scary to some kids and helps older ones feel more in control if they can change the flavor to meet their needs.

Another way to get kids eating a variety of foods is get them involved. By that I mean, meal planning, shopping , gardening and cooking. My kids go shopping with me at both the stores and farmer’s markets. Sometimes they have a list of their own to shop for a meal they are cooking for or they helped plan the menu for the week. We always plant the garden together and they help me with caring for it. All my kids have signature dishes that they cook. Like my youngest daughter makes a dish for Thanksgiving that I’d miss if it wasn’t on the table. She’s 19, busy working and out with friends and she still made it this year for the family. Teaching my kids to cook came from a goal I had to raise well adjusted adults that could take care of themselves, though I am sure at times they thought I might have been thinking slave labor. Ok I wasn’t that bad.

So get your kids involved with you in cooking. What’s the worse that can happen? You enjoy some quality time in the kitchen together and maybe laugh together? Not so bad.

Below are some pictures from Food Day and my boys cooking a dish by Mario Batali’s of Mussels with Peperonata for dinner as well as they made a roasted pear and black berry dessert served with local ice cream. If your not sure what Food Day is check out their site here. The boys worked well as a team on their first big dinner they cooked alone and the meal was amazing.

So get in that kitchen, or garden, plan a menu together and get cooking with your kids. I promise it will open doors to them trying new foods.

Till next time,
